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Deutsches Design

Program for European Design Conference in Athens May 9-11

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European Design Conference
The programme and website for the ED-Conference have just been released.

May 9
Futro, Slovenia
Interbrand, UK
E-types, Denmark
Enric Jardi, Spain
Mutabor, Germany

May 10
Studio fm Milano, Italy
Studio Dumbar, The Netherlands
Ichetcar, France
Andrey Logvin, Russia
Stockholm design lab, Sweden

May 11
Norm, Switzerland
Beetroot, Greece
Halvor Bodin, Norway
Darek Komorek, Poland
Why not associates, UK

The European Design Conference is focused on practical content. Each speaker will present a specific case-study and give us a guided tour through their creative process. The audience will be able to follow them all the way from the first meeting with the client to the feedback on the delivered project.

It will take place in the Athens Arts Center May 9 to 11. Tickets are bought on-line at www.ed-awards.com

Please also note that the dead-line for the ED-Awards is February 28.

Best regards
Jonas Uddman
Project Manager, European Awards Ltd.

Deutsches Design: Program for European Design Conference in Athens May 9-11

Seitentitel: Program for European Design Conference in Athens May 9-11