Since 2010, changing editorial teams of young design students research, write, layout, and produce the bi-annual Some Magazine. It is a part of the experimental design course of Prof. Sven Völker at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.
Giving this issue the theme of “Action” is to acknowledge the obvious fact that standing still is no longer an option. When everything is in flux, action isn’t only essential for changing political and ethical systems, it becomes an essential force for understanding the power we hold in shaping our own lives. We may be living through times of intense turmoil, but these are also the periods in which we find the greatest and most wide-ranging opportunities for change. The potential is almost infinite—but only if we take a stance. The world isn’t going to wait for us.
Guest editors-in-chief of the new issue are journalists Hendrik Lakeberg and Hans Bussert. You’ll find exclusive shots and drawings of flying kite constructions by artist and illustrator Tomi Ungerer, a conversation with New York director Bharata Selassie, and also an entire street called “Danny the Street,” which is actually a super hero.
Young Design with Power & Action!
Publisher: Slanted Publishers
Editors: University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Prof. Sven Völker
Editors in Chief: Hans Bussert, Hendrik Lakeberg
Design: Charlotte Klug, Giuliana Mei, Mia Mahn, Paula Reschke
Publishing Direction: Lars Harmsen, Julia Kahl
Release: May 2023
Format: 17 × 24 cm
Volume: 80 pages
Language: English
Printer: Universitätsdruckerei Potsdam, Germany
Workmanship: saddle-stitched softcover
ISBN: 978-3-948440-50-3
Price: 12 Euro
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