Alison Head (Demo) Powerful filigree for an assured appearance
Extravagant, highly-contrasted and finely detailed, Alison Head finds her own way to redefine the Didone. Inspired by Altona’s flair, Alison picks up a hundred years on to combine historic finesse with modern refinement. Alison is an emancipated evolution of the Didone: powerful and expressive. This attitude is most evident in the vertical serifs. Creating a distinct and characteristic image, they enrich the soft strokes and familiar teardrop terminals with a new sharpness. In this way, Alison confidently breaks new ground. Alison’s serifs lightly curved serifs give a crisp presence on the page and individual details, like the calligraphic twist to z, k, and y add to her charisma.
Alison Text (Demo) High-contrast charm in small point sizes
How can Alison Head’s high-contrast extravagance make a legible text typeface? Distinctive and dependable, Alison Text is the answer. Inspired by the quirky charm of Altona and the refinement of Alison Head, Alison Text is a reliable foundation for her bold, contrasting siblings. Combined in Alison Variable, the two Alison sisters form a system and express the sophistication of a Didone in text and display versions. Carefully designed and refined for body text, Alison Text combines good legibility with a delicate appearance. The hairlines, grey scale of regular weight, and the x-height and its relationship to ascenders and descenders have all been specially adapted for small point sizes.
Designer: Julia Uplegger
Foundry: TypeMates
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