Design made in Germany

Deutsches Design

When we set out to create the official Opening Titles for Toca Me 2017, our goal from the start was to create a cinematic title sequence which subtly hints at the amazing speaker line-up, featuring creatives like Joshua Davis, Gmunk, Mario Klingemann, Seb Lester, Keiichi Matsuda and Dominic Wilcox.

This year’s theme, to “Dream Big” led us to create a surreal and intriguing journey—beginning with gentle camera moves which reveal a bizzare and mysterious world, slowly discovering a sleeping girl who dreams of creativity and ideas, which we visualized by projecting glimpses of each artist’s work on to her face.

We used an ultra-high-res face scan of a model, created by Daniel Hennies, which is only illuminated by those projected sequences on its various surfaces. Each shot was precisely crafted to progress outwards from a macro-level of detail, and continuously reveal more and more of the subject.

Direction, Animation & Comp
Robert Hranitzky

3D Lead, Photogrammetry
Daniel Hennies

Michael Münch

Andi Thoma
Michael Fakesch

Digital Sculpting
Phil Amelung

Felicitas Molnar

Zync –

Toca Me 2017 Opening Titles

Toca Me 2017 Opening Titles

When we set out to create the official Opening Titles for Toca Me 2017, our goal from the start was to create a cinematic title sequence which subtly hints at the amazing speaker line-up, featuring creatives like Joshua Davis, Gmunk, Mario Klingemann, Seb Lester, Keiichi Matsuda and Dominic Wilcox.

This year’s theme, to “Dream Big” led us to create a surreal and intriguing journey—beginning with gentle camera moves which reveal a bizzare and mysterious world, slowly discovering a sleeping girl who dreams of creativity and ideas, which we visualized by projecting glimpses of each artist’s work on to her face.

We used an ultra-high-res face scan of a model, created by Daniel Hennies, which is only illuminated by those projected sequences on its various surfaces. Each shot was precisely crafted to progress outwards from a macro-level of detail, and continuously reveal more and more of the subject.

Direction, Animation & Comp
Robert Hranitzky

3D Lead, Photogrammetry
Daniel Hennies

Michael Münch

Andi Thoma
Michael Fakesch

Digital Sculpting
Phil Amelung

Felicitas Molnar

Zync –


