In the animal kingdom, the color blue is a real rarity but if you look closely, you can find numerous blue birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects on our planet. Mostly the color is used as deterrent or warning, to attract or distract attention. A blue lobster is also rather unusual — It is estimated that there is one blue specimen for every 1 million animals.

The unusual coloring is caused by a genetic defect that triggers the production of a blue-coloring protein. Among fisherman a fishing of blue lobster is a sign of good luck, for that reason the animals get often released back into the wild.

I show in a Adobe live tutorial how to create an illustration based on basic geometric shapes. From the begging of a little research, through first scribbles, to finer sketches and rough shapes in Illustrator, to the final artwork with brushes and textures in Photoshop.

Blue lobster, animal illustration

Blue lobster, animal illustration

In the animal kingdom, the color blue is a real rarity but if you look closely, you can find numerous blue birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects on our planet. Mostly the color is used as deterrent or warning, to attract or distract attention. A blue lobster is also rather unusual — It is estimated that there is one blue specimen for every 1 million animals.

The unusual coloring is caused by a genetic defect that triggers the production of a blue-coloring protein. Among fisherman a fishing of blue lobster is a sign of good luck, for that reason the animals get often released back into the wild.

I show in a Adobe live tutorial how to create an illustration based on basic geometric shapes. From the begging of a little research, through first scribbles, to finer sketches and rough shapes in Illustrator, to the final artwork with brushes and textures in Photoshop.



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