After years of industry expertise, Royal Caviar House has unveiled Numero Uno, a new deluxe caviar brand for the middle east. Our task was to craft a distinctive brand identity, one that transcends diverse product lines and continents.
In a cluttered market brimming with claims of unparalleled quality and minimal unique selling points, our primary objective was to establish a brand that unmistakably stands out. Drawing inspiration from the sophisticated allure of Art Nouveau visuals, we developed a brand identity and packaging for Numero Uno that fuses contemporary flair with traditional elements.
Departing from the conventional royal blue and gold color scheme, we embraced a vivid orange as the principal color, complemented by a vibrant palette to represent the caviar assortments. The outcome is an audacious brand presence that exudes refinement and a confident modernity.
In addition we developed the whole narrative and core messages for Numero Uno as well as the overall markt positioning in an extensive strategy process together with our partners at Royal Caviar House
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