This project of applied ilustration and merchandising arose in one of the final assignments of the degree in fine arts and design at the UPV (Polytechnic University of Valencia) and includes the conceptual and visual development of a new beer brand and its merchandise products.
“The Just on Beer Company is the only crafting beer brewery from Valencia which allows us to provide optimal conditions and temperatures for all the ingredients and to sell our handmade beer in small batches ensuring that it is always fresh. The recipe for brewing our special beers begins with the finest ingredients and equipment. But the most important thing is that we add lots of love and a pinch of magic: our four carefully selected natural flavors which are giving our beers more character and freshness than traditional beers.
We see our beers as relationships that are meant to be: By bringing together Mr. Beer with Mrs. Rose, Mrs. Ginger, Mrs. Mint and Mrs. Honey we create beautifully balanced and reliably honest couples. For us brewing beer means serving a catalyst to bring people together and celebrate life. With a sense of pride and dutiful conviction – and humor.
To the lovers of good beer we offer the opportunity to choose a beer that is different from the traditional ones, because: It‘s not just one beer. It‘s more. It‘s not just about drinking beer but about friendship. This beer is ment to be loved not to be understood. And honestly: did you ever go out for just one beer? Cheers!”
Marta Arráez
Franziska Böttcher
Irene Palacio
Myriam Carratalá
Polytechnic University of Valencia
Núria Rodríguez
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