Design made in Germany

Deutsches Design

More and more people skip newspapers in favor for their mobile devices, however complex stories are often hard to read and even harder to follow on mobile. In the course „Publishing Perspectives“ in the University of Applied Sciences Berlin (HTW) we figured out a way to make content easier to read and understand.

Alexander Venus
Christian Ernst
Felix Kapolka
Tim Verhaert
Sara Hese

Publishing Perspectives

Publishing Perspectives

More and more people skip newspapers in favor for their mobile devices, however complex stories are often hard to read and even harder to follow on mobile. In the course „Publishing Perspectives“ in the University of Applied Sciences Berlin (HTW) we figured out a way to make content easier to read and understand.

Alexander Venus
Christian Ernst
Felix Kapolka
Tim Verhaert
Sara Hese

Publishing Perspectives
Publishing Perspectives
Publishing Perspectives

