No. 3 Series is a humanist face for large sizes. Its applications range from titling, branding, books, magazines to mobile patterns and websites. No. 3 Series borrows from periods before and long after the Renaissance – the increased contrast – and is drawn into a contem­porary context.

It covers three widths in large steps, Normal, Narrow and Poster. Furthermore No. 3 Series is to a large extend influenced by writing and cursive ­writing, which inspired the first letters that were cut in metal. For example the principle behind the shapes of the a, d, p and q of the lowercase alphabet is the rotation of an italic letter written with a broad nib pen. Italic handwriting usually has a slope which in this case is reduced to zero, but the underlying theoretical strokes are preserved. No. 3 Series is now available on Road to Venice Type.

Road to Venice Type was established with the premise to design fonts in constructive conversation with type history, reflected in or seen through a contemporary and forward oriented perspective. The intended output is a typeface that conveys meaning, but stands back enough to communicate the written message and functions the way it should.

No. 3 Series
Type Design

No. 3 Series

No. 3 Series is a humanist face for large sizes. Its applications range from titling, branding, books, magazines to mobile patterns and websites. No. 3 Series borrows from periods before and long after the Renaissance – the increased contrast – and is drawn into a contem­porary context.

It covers three widths in large steps, Normal, Narrow and Poster. Furthermore No. 3 Series is to a large extend influenced by writing and cursive ­writing, which inspired the first letters that were cut in metal. For example the principle behind the shapes of the a, d, p and q of the lowercase alphabet is the rotation of an italic letter written with a broad nib pen. Italic handwriting usually has a slope which in this case is reduced to zero, but the underlying theoretical strokes are preserved. No. 3 Series is now available on Road to Venice Type.

Road to Venice Type was established with the premise to design fonts in constructive conversation with type history, reflected in or seen through a contemporary and forward oriented perspective. The intended output is a typeface that conveys meaning, but stands back enough to communicate the written message and functions the way it should.

No. 3 Series
No. 3 Series
No. 3 Series
No. 3 Series
No. 3 Series