While the web is, among other things, a visual medium, the importance of unique visual design often takes a back seat. Many websites are similar in their appearance and lack a consciously crafted look and feel where the form is specifically tailored to the respective content. Aesthetics and formal criteria play a secondary role. In contrast to other visual media like magazines, posters, or films, visual design on the web seems to receive less emphasis overall.
For my Master’s thesis in Interface Design at Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, I am currently investigating this development. In addition to my theoretical research, I’m developing an experimental, browser-based web design tool. This tool aims to show that a large visual variance is achievable by manipulating individual design parameters.
To gain further insights, I created five single-page websites on different topics with fictitious content that can be designed with the tool on a desktop computer. To avoid design decisions being influenced by browser default styles, the design parameters are randomized at the beginning. Your contribution to designing one or more of these pages would be invaluable to my research. Results will be documented by clicking the submit design button at the end of your design process.
Your participation is immensely appreciated, and your creative input until January 10, 2024 will be integral to my research. Thank you sincerely for your time and contribution!
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