Samsung’s The Wall and QLED TVs continue to take the meaning of screens as part of the interior to the next level. In 2019 onformative was commissioned to develop another collection of exclusive digital real-time artworks for Samsung’s latest TV lineup. As a contrast and complementation mutually, the content for the Ambient Mode focuses on kinetic concepts to bring a dynamic dimension to the room. During the design research a variety of visual concepts was developed, which we present alongside the final ambient artworks.
The collection plays with the rigidity of elegant interior design and the opposing lightness that lies in motion, combined with the sensual quality of colours and lighting. The broad range of art content was designed and developed in close collaboration with the Samsung UX/UI team.
Reflecting patterns and shapes that are found in modern interior, the essential elements are rather geometrical than organic: lines, sticks, disks and tiles ingeniously combined in distinctive, kinetic patterns.
Customizable colours and materials enhance the visual quality of the moving shapes. Through their motion the characteristic grids in the artwork build a harmonic balance to the space they are in, adding a unique depth to the atmosphere.
The unique feature of the adapting modes is based on the assimilation of life data. Some of the animations, like kinetic sticks, are driven by cloud data, while their colours change based on UV data.
All of the kinetic ambient modes follow the integrative concept of simplistic, yet seamlessly informative aesthetics, each of them reacting to a bespoke data source. Rotating discs and tiles swing according to the wind speed in the respective area to create an authentic atmosphere. While the data-driven animations become an integral part of the interior design, they also serve as ambient information: as a highlight the discs form an abstract pattern to display the current time once per hour.
To reach utmost harmony a great variety of combinations was explored for each content. Elements like materials, colours, shapes and movements were tested and experimented with to define the final compositions.
To enjoy the individuality the digital ambient feature has to offer, the user can choose between different artworks and transform the atmosphere of the entire space within seconds according to the current mood or occasion.
Creative Direction
Cedric Kiefer
Art Direction
Bernd Marbach, Lena Steinkühler, Vincent Schwenk, Dmitry Zakharov, Misha Shyukin, Ricardo López
Julia Laub
Technical Direction
Henryk Wollik
Henryk Wollik, Ryan Alexander
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