The Hikaye wine series is a high-quality line of the Turkish wine label Grapes of Anatolia. It is a contemporary and elegant interpretation of the Anatolian craft of making kilims – beautifully handmade rugs full of color and symbolism. Traditionally the women making the rugs are telling age-old stories about the Anatolian people – about love, loss, hope or simply everyday life. Some people even describe kilims as woven poetry. With ›hikaye‹ meaning ›story‹ this wine series continues this tradition. The symbols you can find on the label are the ›elebelinde‹ (hands on hips), the ›sudoku‹ (running water), the ›bereket‹ (fertility) and many others. On all the Grapes of Anatolia wines you also find the ›nazar‹ symbol – the eye-shaped amulet believed to protect against the evil eye – as a sign of the wine-sellers deep rooted love for their heritage.
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