Design made in Germany

Deutsches Design

The type family “Weissenhof Grotesk” is inspired by the Weissenhofsiedlung (Weissenhof estate) that was built in 1927 as one of the best examples of the new, modern architecture in Germany. During planning and construction, 17 architects, among them Mies van der Rohe, Le Corbusier and Walter Gropius, experimented with new materials and techniques, like the usage of prefabricated parts and considering primarily basic geometric forms. These ideas served as a basis for the new typeface.

32,99 – 170,99 Euro

Stefanie Schwarz
Dirk Wachowiak

Weissenhof Grotesk

Weissenhof Grotesk

The type family “Weissenhof Grotesk” is inspired by the Weissenhofsiedlung (Weissenhof estate) that was built in 1927 as one of the best examples of the new, modern architecture in Germany. During planning and construction, 17 architects, among them Mies van der Rohe, Le Corbusier and Walter Gropius, experimented with new materials and techniques, like the usage of prefabricated parts and considering primarily basic geometric forms. These ideas served as a basis for the new typeface.

32,99 – 170,99 Euro

Stefanie Schwarz
Dirk Wachowiak

Weissenhof Grotesk
Weissenhof Grotesk
Weissenhof Grotesk
Weissenhof Grotesk
Weissenhof Grotesk
Weissenhof Grotesk
Weissenhof Grotesk
Weissenhof Grotesk
Weissenhof Grotesk
Weissenhof Grotesk
Weissenhof Grotesk
Weissenhof Grotesk
Weissenhof Grotesk
Weissenhof Grotesk

